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What are “hazardous chemicals”? What is the often referred to as “Danger Package Certificate”?

Q: What do hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods mean? A: Hazardous chemicals refer to highly toxic chemicals and other chemicals that are toxic, corrosive, explosive, flammable, and combustion-supporting, and are harmful to the human body, facilities, and the environment. Dangerous goods refer to goods that have dangerous properties such as


Four popular categories of “winning secrets” help TikTok Shop merchants innovate their operations

The "2023 TikTok for Business Overseas Marketing White Paper" released by TikTok for Business and third-party research organization Deloitte pointed out that global e-commerce consumers' shopping behavior has shown new characteristics of fragmentation, socialization, and entertainment, and has gradually formed "interest content guides purchases." New e-commerce consumption model: 71% of

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